Thursday, April 26, 2012

Video Problem With a Dell Inspiron 1721?

Okay, so here's my problem: I was looking around on the internet, when I read something that really frustrated me. Now, that isn't really important at all, except to say that after I read it I slammed my fists down onto my laptop. This, of course, caused an issue. Immediately after I slammed my fists down, the screen got a slight blue-ish tint, and everything on the computer got really jagged; which is to say that words are hard to read, and the picture is generally not clear.

Obviously, it was not a good idea to slam my fists down; but then again, most acts of frustration are generally not good ideas. Anyway, the computer is still functional (I'm actually using it to write this out), but it is far from optimal. The way I see it, I have two options. I can either try to get it fixed, or I can replace it. Basically I want to know which would cost more money, and if it would even be possible to fix it.

I'm also going to go into a little bit of detail here about what I expect the problem to be. I would like to note that I don't really know anything about computer hardware, and this is just a semi-educated guess: Given the fact that I slammed the actual computer and not the video screen, I'm going to assume that I knocked a connection to the video card, or perhaps even the video card itself, loose. I'm not entirely certain, but I believe that the video card is integrated. It is a Dell Inspiron 1721 computer, if that helps.

Also, I would like to note that the computer is at least 3 or 4 years old, and the battery WILL have to be replaced as well. It will not last for more than 2 minutes unplugged, if that. Additionally, I was contemplating getting a new computer even before I broke the this one.

So, given all of the above information, would repair even be possible? If it was possible, would it even be worth the money, or would it be better to buy a new computer? If it makes any difference, the computer runs on Windows Vista, and I also own an external hard drive, so anything important can be moved. The only thing that I am looking at is the plausability and price point of a successful repair, when compared to putting the money toward buying a new computer.

Thank you in advance for any useful information that you may have to offer; and if it makes a difference, I will be choosing a "Best Answer" based on how useful the information is. (Note: Scolding me for breaking my computer does not constitute useful information)|||You are right in your assumption that the graphics are integrated. Your problem is probably the inverter circuit for the display

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