Friday, April 27, 2012

Laptop monitor question?

I was wandering if anyone could give me some pointers on this. I just opened up my laptop and its screwed up. I used it earlier and it hasn't been dropped or anything since then. When I first turn it on a briefly get the colorful windows xp logo, then after about 2 seconds it go's away and all I have it black and white lines across the screen. I've tried several time and this is all I get. When I plugged a cable into my Desktop monitor I get the colorful windows xp logo for about 15 seconds. Then my monitor go's asleep like its not getting any data from my laptop. Does this sound to you like a bad video card? Anyone have any ideas what a repair like this would cost? Its strange because I get the intial startup screen on both of them, just a whole lot longer on my desktop monitor, then nothing else.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

|||Your suspicion is most likely correct. It is most like a bad GPU. However, there isn't a discrete card to replace on a laptop usually (only on super-high end gaming laptops). You'd have to replace your motherboard, which will cost about 80-85% of the cost of a new laptop. The reason it takes longer on your monitor, is that it's not drawing as much power to power your LCD. Less heat, less expansion, etc.

Personally, I'd say your laptop is most likely toast at this point. Sorry for the bad news! Good luck!

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