Friday, April 27, 2012

Could some tell me if my Video Card has been stolen?

I put my computer (A Sony Desktop VGC-RT1SU) in to get fixed at a repair shop because of a virus. The problem is they had to set it to wipe the disc to restore it back to health. Now I am having problem with graphics and video driver. Google earth will not work problems with DirectX, also my Games that came with the computer like Solitaire, Hearts do not work as they list the problem "The Game is running in Software Rendering Mode. Hardware Acceleration is either disabled or not supported by your video card driver which could slow game performance. Make sure you have the latest video card DRiver installed and that Hardware Acceleration is turned on"

Obviously I checked everything was updated and I wanted to update the video driver and check the Graphics CArd. I tried using Device Manager in Windows Vista and for some reason the Display Adapter is listed as STANDARD VGA GRAPHICS ADAPTER. I am confused as in the Computer specs it has listed the Computer to having a NVIDIA Ge~Force 9600M GT Graphics card. It also tells me in the DirectX Diagnostic Tool that Direct 3D, DirectDraw and AGP Texture Acceleration is not available.

I have come to the conclusion that my Graphics card has been stolen by the shop and been replaced by an inferior product as it has never been fixed before. How do I handle the shop manager when I report this to him and can I report this to the police.|||That 'M' means it is a mobile chip, which means it cannot be removed, so don't worry, just go on the nvidia website, set it to scan your pc for latest drivers and it will point you to the right ones to download XD|||Did you install the drivers from NVidia? If you haven't installed the drivers yet this may be the reason. When no drivers are installed for your video card, Windows will use the standard VGA graphics drivers which come with Windows. If this is the case, Windows will report Standard VGA Graphics because it cannot determine which type of video card you have.

Try installing the drivers anyway and see what happens.

If you've already installed the drivers and it's telling you that "no supported hardware is found" or something like that, then your video card is not present.|||If you have any sort of graphics the card is there. The driver has not been re-installed and windows is using the basic minimum spec that works with anything. You should have a driver disk supplied as part of the package, or it might have been on a recovery section of the hard disk. Unfortunately some manufacturers don't put things on a separate protected partition, so it could be lost when reformatting. Really it's up to the shop to put it right.

Possibly you tried the wrong driver file|||It's possible that they just forgot to install the drivers. Maybe you should download the 9600M drivers yourself and install them. And if that doesn't work I would take your computer in and explain to them that you are having these graphics related problems that only started after they handled the system and ask that they repair it at no extra charge. If they did steal the card, they might put it back.

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