Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do you think my video card is toast?

I have a HP pavillion Entertainment PC that's a year and a half old. It runs Vista and it has an Nvidia GEforce 7600 video card. The other night I was watching some videos and playing WoW when, with no warning whatsoever, my computer froze. Ctrl-alt-del did nothing. The hard drive wasn't running. Finally I hit the power button. It came back up with the usual HP logo, but with vertical red stripes where there weren't any before, and it wanted to run a repair utility because windows couldn't start. Yikes.

Anyway, I was mistaken about which key to mash at startup to get safe mode, and I thought it wasn't working, so I put in a Ubunto CD (v 8.04) into the cd drive. Although this OS will run off the CD fine on another computer, in my laptop, when it finished loading, all I got was white lines and purple squiggles. Then I managed to get Windows up in Safe mode. I backed up all my files. Just as I was about to try reinstalling the video card, it rebooted totally normally....|||if it worked once it's probably not the video card. It sounds like a vista problem or a blown capacitor.|||No your video car isn't toast, it's a video card. LOL, JK, yeah it's probably junk.|||turn your options to steps...

1. try your recovery discs... put it back to factory default or something.

2. if it doesnt work, take it to the service center for them to check it.

its probably your video card, it might have overheated or something.

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