Monday, May 7, 2012

Repair an iMac?

We bought an iMac a few years back, and after a while my gaming habit ran the video card too hard, causing it to overheat and fry the motherboard. This is one of the OLDER iMacs, though, the one where the ports run horizontally, not vertically. Pic:…

Now, I've already peeked inside and it's pretty easy to tell what's what and I know that if I have a replacement videocard, motherboard, CPU, etc. I'd be able to get it up and running. I can't seem to find ANY compatible parts, though, anywhere. I've checked and rechecked eBay, newegg, etc. and can't find anything. Does anyone know where I can get them, or should I just junk the thing?|||You have the first of the G5 iMacs. You might want to give MacMall a try or ask them if they could point you in the direction of the necessary hardware.

Go with Kahless's suggestion.|||Check

They have lists of used mac dealers and parts dealers.

Also check

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