I recently bought a Radeon 9600 AGP video card, and all went well for a couple days when suddenly, while in the middle of playing a game, the screen flared alternating black and white stripes and then blacked out. The PC won't turn on again so I went to the technician for repairs. Thankfully, the PC was revived (though all the technician did was look at the parts and put them back together, which I could've done myself). Later however I discovered that, although Windows runs perfectly and I could even browse the net and watch Youtube, the PC hangs/crashes when I begin to play games. The same happens when I test DirectDraw in dxdiag (Direct3D works fine), edit videos, and when I open ATI's Catalyst Control Center. I've downloaded the latest drivers and stuff, but still nada.
Here are the specs of my PC:
Pentium 4 2.40 GHz
Windows XP Pro
1 Gig RAM
Radeon 9600 AGP video card
The game I played when it crashed was Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and my editing software is Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5.|||Normally when you have lines and alsorts running down you monitor it usually means there is video curruption gong on. Are you sure you havent got yourself a faulty video card there. try and download some software off the internet which allows you to stress test the system. one you run that it should give you the answers to help resolve the problem|||Wish I had the answer........mine is doing the same.......and yes, i've a Radeon 9600 too...but mine has been in the pc for a good 2 years now. I wonder if its a drivers issue. Most of the time its ok, but if i go on Youtube i know it will only be a matter of minutes before it turns over and dies.
What about your bios settings ?
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