1) I opened my case for the first time and its extremely dusty is this normal? Do I need to buy a new one? Should I use a can of air?
2) When buying memory does anything else matter besides how many MB (like the speed in Mhz)?
3) What kind of video card should I get? I want to play games like World of War Craft, Sims, and Command and Conquer. And I want to be able to run the game with no delays (reasonable delay).
4) Also the fan on my power supply may be going bad, should I buy a new power supply or is their some way to repair the fan? (the fan seems to be struggling to start and is very dusty and makes a lot of noise)
I would appreciate any other advice as well thanxs!|||Opening you computer for the first time eh? Will, I hope you know what you’re doing.
First of all, get 1 GB of DDR2 (2X512MB) RAM. Higher MHZ is better. If you have the money, get 2 GB which you’ll need if you want to get VISTA and run it 100% smoothly.
Graphic Card is a bit tricky. Good games demand a good card and a good card demands a good computer. Make sure what kind of slot your motherboard has and your PSU wattage. If you’re on a right budget, get an Nvidia 7600GT. This card is cheap and will run most games decent on medium high settings. The 7900, 7950, 8800 series cards are good cards but are a bit more expensive. The 7900 and 7950 cost $200-$300 but the 8800 series are a bit more. The 8800 series range from $300-$900.
Replace your Current PSU with a 400W or 500W PSU. Most modern video card needs 350W-400W to run efficiently.
Dust on hardware cause heat buildup. I myself remove the dusty hardware and use a brush.
If your computer is more than three or four years old, buy a new case and build one from ground up. You can use your current computer as practice before you go build a new one.|||First clean it really good
Second nothing else matters
Third here are 2 diferent video cards one expensive ones not the are both good-http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/…
http://about.pricegrabber.com/info_pictu… Ps: the second one is $999 and the first is $134
Third power suppleys are cheap so are fans buy new ones and if you have a really old case buy a new one.|||1) all you have to do is use a vacuum or something
2) Yes because only certain memory are compatible with certain computers
3) You should probably get a 256 mb memory card that should do
4) yes i would recommend another fan
5) other advice as follows; give more information about the pc and not just the mishaps|||1) Just use a can of air. I recommend you keep a vacuum handy as well, unless you want to end up breathing all that dust.
2) Yeah...a lot of things. You're best off taking some of the memory you have to the store and asking for help.
Make sure what you get has the same number of pins on the bottom as what you have. If there is a label that says "DDR" or whatever on it, make sure what you get is similarly labeled.
3) Depends on your budget. I use an 8800 GTX. You might not want to spend that much. Check into the cheaper 8800 series models. Make sure your power supply has enough power to handle it (check wattage ratings on the vid card and your power supply). Dollar for dollar, a video card tends to be the best gaming investment you can make, compared to other hardware.
4) Try cleaning your power supply first to see if that helps. Otherwise, don't try to repair the fan. You could mess something up and cause a seriously dangerous electrical fault in the system. Just get a new one if cleaning isn't enough. Don't buy the cheapest one either...cheap power supplies are no bargain when they kill other parts of your system in a failure.|||You should clean your case out immediately! Go buy 2 cans of air (one for next time). Take one can of air and take your case outside and spray away until there is no dust! If you need to use the second can to complete the job, go ahead. You can also spray the dust from the power supply fan which may help with the operation of it.
When you purchase memory you MUST first find out what is compatible with your motherboard and what the maximum amount of installed ram you can have is.
Try warehouse sites like NewEgg and Tiger Direct when shopping for a video card, you should get a great price on one there.|||you can go to walmart .com and buy a can of air,yes it's normal for the insie to be dusty.Get some new fans they are not expensive.Take the old RAM out to see what kind it is, I'm betting you don't have much,if you're running an old computer don't overload the computer(too much Ram will overload your motherboard and actually slow it down) also defragment the hardrive weekly. nothing slows a computer up than an overloaded harddrive,if you have room slave another harddrive, these things should speed your computer up quite a bit.you can put in a video and better sound card but watch how you check out your dealer. All this is going to cost as much as a newer computer. sorry! Bill
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