Friday, April 27, 2012

Do Firedog and/or Geek Squad repair laptops?

same as above. For instance, say something goes bad in the laptop that a normal person cannot access through the little doors or whatever that for instance ram usually can. Will they actually go in, take apart the laptop, and replace parts like a video card, or even something like the keypad? Thanks!

P.S If they don't do this, is there anybody other than the laptop manufacturer that will do this?|||Like above, i recommend you find a local tech to fix your problems! Geek Squad does have some great techs that work there while they are going to college, but Geek Squad makes them do things by their books, which quite frankly is usually the long or wrong way to get things done! They are stuck knowing they can do a better job, but can't because of their company limitations!|||They should, it's a computer, call them and ask|||yes, they attempt to. geek sqaud is pathetic, they're salesmen, not techies. find a local geek store, and ask what services they provide. most likely it will be cheaper than geek squad, and performed by more knowledgeable individuals.|||Both will repair you computer, but i will warn you its not cheap and you will be without for 3 weeks.

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