Friday, May 4, 2012

Why wont my internet work?

So I reformatted my computer. I run Windows XP Pro and this is the deal. I bought all the computer parts from and built the computer myself, i installed XP, and ran all my CD's for the motherboard, video card, etc. It ran great for months and then i noticed a slight decrease in performance and decided to reformat. I got windows working and I installed my software using the same disks but my internet wont work this time. I've tried firefox, internet explorer, and MSN couldnt connect either. Under network connections it shows the 1394 Connection and has no X. So I'm sure theres no cables unplugged but nothing will work. Should I try installing a third party ethernet driver or what?

There was one thing that happened during my reformmating that may have done something. I got to the point of putting in the product key and realized i couldnt use tab to hit next i needed a mouse so i had to turn it off and back on and this time i ran into some problems deleting and making a new partition. it said that my disk may be corrupted. But i tried again and instead of deleting it i overwrote the files and it installed, kinda. I started it up and half of windows was missing! the start menu had half the crap it should have, and msconfig didnt even work. so i ran the repair feature on the xp disk and that worked great. Everything works like it did before except my internet. Any Ideas?

|||just reinstall your windows with a "fresh disk"

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