Friday, May 4, 2012

What exactly does manufacture defect mean? (for desktop computers)?

I bought a sony vaio desktop computer for a little more than a month ago, it's having problem with the motherboard and/or video card. Sony customer service rep. said they will replace a new computer for me if it's manufacture defect. At first i thought it's the video card, she said video cards does go bad so it's not a manufacture defect, and when i told her it's the motherboard (diagnosed by circuit city tech) she said all electronic devises has the potential of breaking down so it is not considered manufacture's defect.

i had the option to schedule on-site tech for repair but due to the nature of my work, (interior designer), i have deadline to meet and time is crutial to me, i really can't wait another 1 or 2 weeks for the tech to come out...and the rep told me to repair or replace motherboard will cost me about 1000usd if i want to bring my computer to other shops and she's not sure if i can get i screwed?|||Sounds like a manufacturer's defect to me. If it's only a little over a month old I would definitely demand they return my money or give me a new one. Don't let them take advantage of you. If you have your receipt and record of sale they have to honor the warranty.

Good Luck|||I used to sell computers for Circuit City, and a manufacturers defect is if the computer is working fine one moment, and just stops from a defective part installed by the manufacturer inside.

The defect must be caused by HARDWARE, not any software program that you have installed, otherwise it will void your warranty.

The manufacturer will cover the parts and labor for only about 30 days, so you may already be passed your deadline.

Just a note of advice - Circuit City employees are not trained very well, and are not educated about the inner workings of the computer. It is just like you are having the kid next door look at your computer (I speak from experience). I noticed that other co-workers would automatically blame a problem on the motherboard if they are unsure as to what the problem is.

If the computer is passed its warranty, I would have a certified professional check out the computer. Many offer free consultations.|||1 - the computer should have been tested after its completion 2 - some one fel asleep|||Manufacture's warranty means that who ever made the part is responsible if it was not made right. Most manufacturers warranty their stuff for a year against manufacturing defects. Yes parts can go bad, but usually not in a month. I'd take the computer back to where you bought it and see what they will do, especially if you got an extended warranty. Sony probably gets all the parts and just puts the computer together which is why you got the run around from them . They don't want to deal with who ever made the bad component and it'll cost them to fix the problem. As far as a $1000 to fix or replace if you take it somewhere else, I don't think so. I paid $120 for my new motherboard and there are some for under 100 bucks. To get my desktop fixed, Frye's charged me about $100 or so to diagnose and fix the problem. The rough turn-around time was about 2 weeks. Sounds like Sony is trying to put one over on ya.|||Well it is definately not a manufacturing defect. Bcause Manufacture defect means the moment u get a computer and the problem arises the very first time u put ur PC on. I mean if the problem exists from the very begining then its Manufacture defect , and if the PC was working fine when u bought it and the problem arised after a month then it is break down. It is not Manufacture defect. So Sony people wont replace it. But since it is only one month u have bought ur PC and the problem arised then it should be in Warranty. So they have to sort out the problem free of cost for u. U can tell them the warranty card number or else take it to any Sony Service centre near by at ur area with the Bill and Warranty card, and they will get it repaired for u free of cost.:-)|||bad hardware parts.

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