Friday, May 4, 2012

What is the cause of these symptons on my PC?

I am running windows on a PC I built myself and a few days ago I started having problems that I cannot figure out! Here is what is happening:

First, I would boot, windows would start to load, and I would get either a blue screen of death or a black screen.

Then, Windows would load and get to the log in screen and then give me an error saying some system file could not be found, and restart.

Then, I ran a repair on windows via the repair function on the XP install cd. Now Windows boots up.

Unfortunately, now my Video card is not detected by windows. This the strangest part because my card still works since my monitor is plugged into it and I still get a picture and everything, but it will not show up in the device manager at all and I can't run graphic-intensive programs like games.

Does anyone know what this is? Could it be a Power Supply, Hard Drive, Motherboard, Video Card, or just a messed up windows install?|||You may have multiple problems, but at the very least it sounds like you probably have a corrupted OS. Personally, I would start by backing up your data and refprmatting the drive and reinstall the OS from scratch and reload your drivers. If you still have problems after that, then start trouble shooting the hardware.|||Simply get a video card. The same thing happened to me 3 days ago.|||Are you sure you have your monitor plugged into the graphics card port, and not the onboard video plug adaptor?

My wife consistently plugs her monitor into the onboard video near all of the other connectors when she needs to move the PC.

You also need to disable the onboard video (probably through your BIOS), and then install the drivers for the video card.

Most video cards will "work" without the proper drivers, but it's the same as using onboard video, no games or performance increases are noticable.|||Video card is no good, but before you replace format and install windows, if the problem still there replace the video card.|||your drivers are not correctly installed. your best bet is to reformat again and go over your setps carefully and do some research before you begin.

/rant.... for people who dont know what the hell they're talking about please stop posting in the tech questions. Computer problems require carefull attention to fix and small mistakes lead to large problems. When you say stupid **** like buy a video card, or is the monitor plugged in...... He clearly said it boots to the login screen and then gives him an error. Either read more carefully or GTFO.

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