Friday, May 4, 2012

Hardrive and video card question?

my computer was working fine until one day i turned it on and it said no harddrive found and it wouldnt boot up. I took it to a electronic repair place and they kept it for about 2 months. They told me i needed a new harddrive and that they would be able to get me one for about $150. So to make a long story short since i've gotten my computer back it seems way slower/older and i cant play games on it anymore (sims to be xact). The guy told me i actually have a better harddrive wit more gigabytes (232). He also installed windows 8 on it whereas previously i had windows XP professional. I think the graphics on my computer have dropeed dramatically is this due to the new harddrive? i thought that the video card and harddrive were two different things. Also i used to have Nvidia where'd it go?|||There is no windows 8, at least for now. Windows 7 is the latest version so I assume that's what you're talking about. Since the only thing that it seems like the repair guys changed in your computer is the hard drive and operating system, the problem is probably from one of those. Did the drivers for your video card get installed on the new hard drive? The repair guys may not have installed the drivers for you so you have to do that yourself. Just check what video card you have and go to ATI's or Nvidia's website since those are the two video card manufacturers. There you can download the lastest drivers for your video card.

The problem could also be from the new OS. Windows 7 is newer and has more features than XP. The only problem is that it takes up more of your computer's resources which could possibly slow down your computer if you have a pretty old one. In that case, I'd change the display options of windows 7 so that you aren't using aero. Use the basic theme or some other less fancy theme that won't take up as much of your computer's resources.|||You got ripped! I am a tech. at a local computer repair facility. $150 is way too much to spend on a HDD. He probably installed Windows 7. But the nVidia driver was probably not installed correctly if at all. And may not support Windows 7 on that computer. I would recommend googling a well known computer repair shop and having it reworked. Also, 2 months is way too long to diagnose a problem with a HD. I'm sorry, you got ripped. Also, the reason your computer is slower is not due to the HD. It is because Windows 7 requires much more RAM (Memory) usage and CPU (Processor) usage than XP does..... I hope I helped.|||If you used to have an Nvidia card and they removed it, there you go.

It is possible that they put in a larger but slower hard drive.

The most likely cause for the slow down is that they installed Windows 7 (Windows 8 is not out yet). WIndows 7 is slower than XP.... Unless you had Vista before, then I don't think it's a software issue.

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